Thursday, April 5, 2012


The proper timing of resistance builds strength and flexibility.
The improper timing of resistance is stubbornness.

A spiritual revolution will never come to a conclusion.
As each warrior can be on the way to a better day. Winning without a gun but rather soul submission to the sun. Followed by the melody of the moon with no sound of gloom.

Fear will face a wall when it comes time to respect. 

The English language routinely must resort to rhyme to create rhythm, yet languages that are rooted in romance rhyme more regularly.

Rappers who convert criminal hustle into rhyme muscle do part for art. But it may turn back when ears need to act.   
I wish to hear more soulfully sing without a motive of bling.

A seed of freedom leads to an ounce of power that gives you a pound of responsibility.

Racism is obsolete if each can understand that they are just justifying their jealously.

Running Away
Step away before you push away.
Step aside before you run and ride.

Relationship Clarity
A possible receipt for relationship clarity:
Edit alcohol, take an intermission on intercourse, and if you must, offset overnights. 

Then take some time to watch the action, feel the silence.

Relationship Success
Relationship success shall not be judged by what you are with on the outside but rather who is with you on the inside.

Rest with the root of rewards when you reveal reality.

Lacking reflection leads to an uncertain direction.
Pray that others find their way on this day with the right direction leading to a positive reflection.

Religious Rescues
My whole life, I have always had a Jewish neighbor that was there when I needed a favor. And continually close was a Muslim sister or brother willing to help another.  And by my side was a Buddhist when I wanted to hide. Yet constantly, the compassion of Christianity crushed conflicts.  And now all is renewed with the great scripture of Hindu.

Religious Choice
The religion that resonates shall replenish.

Take the “ Rs” on a date. 
Religion       Refresh       Relax    
Rejoice        Rest           Recharge          
Reflect       Read           Rejuvenate   

If you rush to your rest, your dreams will not be their best.

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