Thursday, April 5, 2012


Believe in something enough that you are willing to die for it.
Love something enough that you are willing to live for it.
None will believe in what you do unless you do.

Be Your Self
Be it a brush stroke or a bird but most of all may I be myself in my moments of movement.

Expressing your boundaries and be boundless.

Does your boss want you to be better, busy, or blinded?
Be at your best for the boss above who forever loves.

The more you feel blessed, the less you will feel stressed.

Sleep. Eat. Exercise.
Love. Work. Heal.

The beauty of a bird’s chirp makes all else sound like a burp. 

Is beauty a blessing or just a dressing? That makes others deliver lines, justify crimes, and time after time, beauty disguises the health of one’s mind.
Seeing beauty is the blessing of one’s vision; finding the truth is the challenge.
How we embrace beauty is our duty.
From woman to man in all the land, we each can be God’s greatest fan.

Our body is the shell of our spirit.
The boundlessness of our body shall never be a burden.

What you have is an easy target.
What you don’t won’t sit still.
Don’t blame yourself on your lover.

Being There
By touch, voice, or a timely resistance remain in reaching distance.

Business & Service
Good business is an accurate assessment as to what is needed.
Good service lies in one’s ability of fulfilling a need.

Do your best with what you got, and in time, you will be given your shot.

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