Thursday, April 5, 2012


Be mindful of who you share the truth with and masterful of how you share it.
If I withhold what is to be told about getting old, I will just feel more age slowing any enlightened stage.
Be cautious of getting advice from weak minds that are just trying to be nice.
Who am I to say another is wrong if I have not found myself right.

Don’t look for answers unless you have found the right question.
We don’t find answers they find us.

In time, the body will align with the health of the mind.

Be in action not for attraction or distraction but out of compassion. 

Art shall exercise one’s ability to look at things differently.
Without art, we are robots.
With art, we are humans.
Sometimes, art needs to age to diminish the expresser’s rage, and only then can it resonate and maybe fuel our fate.

An Artist’s Tools:
Head, heart, and hands
Artists don’t worry about going crazy; they’re more concerned with not playing a “sane game.”
It is hard to say, “I have a career as an artist,” yet it is easier to understand that “I have a life as an artist.”
All else is part-time work, outside of my art.
The artists who lack fear are the ones I respect.                                     
[How much do I respect myself?]
There are those who praise my passion and others who employ my passion. Then there are those who just pass by.
Void of audience, love what you do, and someone will find a way to love you, too.
Will my word ever be heard? Because so often ears that need to hear are so concerned with what to earn rather than what is to be learned.

The material justification nation.
I slept with America last night, and I arose stimulated to share what I saw in my dream.

The blessed mess of people in the West, always in search of a bigger nest, not knowing how to rest, yet still feel they are the best.

American Masters
Many American masters reach the apex of eventful experiences by integrating entertainment with enlightenment.

Many people want to possess
Attention, Time, Money, or Mind.

Sever the cord that connects attraction to attachment.
Attachment finds ways to fight with faith.

Anxiety is energy’s thief.

Don’t just do enough to get others’ approval.
Do so to get yours.
Do even more to get God’s.

We only truly see what we accept.

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