Thursday, April 5, 2012


Forgive yesterday
Accept today
Grow tomorrow
Be gone with blame and foresee forgiveness.

Healing your heart is a great place to start the race that will never end because you are freeing your forever friend.
Let love be found within the fundamentals of friendship.
Friendship fuels feelings of freedom.

You can’t imprison a man’s vision.
Lock feet and hands, yet he can still find love for his fellow man.
Thus, only enslaved men turn incarceration keys, ignorant that all can be free.

Freedom Fighters
Extinguish others’ efforts to expel increases of the enlightened race.
Noble souls often obtained their might by loving others with poor sight.  May I have the valor of their vision to know what is right so I can commit to their fight.
Great ones know how to win their own war so they have the strength to fight for others.
We could not live for what we believe in today if those did not die for what they believed for our tomorrow.

Fuel of Faith 
Can five faiths fuel our fight for freedom? 

- As Allah is above and beneath their feet when they complete their daily feats with God’s glory and grace helping make a happier human race. Yet in every part, Jews are at the start, contributing to a greater place as their practice and presentation of our precious time gives them even more worth to our earth. Just in time for jovial joy of Jesus generating and creating countless communities of Christians on a crusade toward calm. But behold the beloved that are beside yet never beyond Buddha, as each test of tension is transformed into today’s tranquility. Hence the Hindu, whose achievement of “Atma” is the greatest of goals, as they unfold the truth of many souls.

Future Work Needs
Elbow grease and discipline will mend the masses.
Honesty and intellect will enlighten the leaders.

Take the fatherhood torch, without fear it will scorch. Let it give light and illuminate the honest fight. Strengthen peoples’ might. But most of all, shine bright when you know what is right.
Find joy in fulfilling fatherly voids.
A father shall do his best to protect the nest, but if nature impedes, he must continue to lead, knowing that nature brought the original seed.

Good ones commutate an idea.
Great ones transform an idea into a feeling.

Stay on the sidelines sometimes. But always with a goal of getting in the game without ambition of fame.
The ones forever finding freedom in praise or blame — will flourish with fame.  But when it all feels like continual pain, they have enslaved the integrity of their game.
Lack fear, not to hear cheers, but to be more sincere, even if no one is near.
The fatigue of fame can force free sprits to feud with feelings.

Learn your own foundations of fatigue and free the demands behind false needs.
Fatigue can fuel flawed motives.

False Pride
False pride leads to lies, puts loved ones aside, just so one can enjoy a selfish ride.


Giving permission to fib will look like your baby’s bib. Showing stains of another. Yet know you must clean this cover.

Not being afraid to die takes courage.
Not being afraid to live gives hope.
Fear less of what is wrong.
Feel more of what is right.
What kind of company do you want to keep in your head?
Fearing your thoughts is like fearing your friends.
You can be what you fear or you can be what you cheer.

Fruit of Labor

If you learn to love the labor, you shall never be frustrated by the fruit at the finish.
With positivity make the “process” part of the result.
If I find ways to free the fruit of my labor, I will forever have the fuel for my faith.

Faith will always be far enough.

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