Thursday, April 5, 2012

About this book (blog)

       This book (blog) came about when I tried to take a break from being an “artist / writer.”  I don’t think I did a very good job at it, because I constantly found myself jotting down what “that little voice” inside me was sharing. 
        Then, one day, I noticed that this “voice” gave birth to a big stack of little papers that I didn’t know what to do with.  But soon, that same “little voice” said, “Take those words to work.”  So I grabbed the pile of papers and headed out the door to my job as a janitor.  In the days ahead, I created and compiled the following until my “little voice” said, “It’s done.” 

NOTE: Although this book (blog) has been laid out alphabetically by letter (A, B…etc.), you might notice that the topics below each letter have been placed in an order to create its own flow.  However, it can be read in various ways — from beginning to end, by individual letter, by topics drawn from the index, or in whichever way one sees fit.  Enjoy!!!


To all whom have helped me hear
“that little voice.”

Me to We A to Z

Painting the Past

My soul felt like pails of paint
pouring out pigments on the prior pages.
Be it a splat, a stroke, a smear, or even a spray
on any day when my word was my expressive way.


Be mindful of who you share the truth with and masterful of how you share it.
If I withhold what is to be told about getting old, I will just feel more age slowing any enlightened stage.
Be cautious of getting advice from weak minds that are just trying to be nice.
Who am I to say another is wrong if I have not found myself right.

Don’t look for answers unless you have found the right question.
We don’t find answers they find us.

In time, the body will align with the health of the mind.

Be in action not for attraction or distraction but out of compassion. 

Art shall exercise one’s ability to look at things differently.
Without art, we are robots.
With art, we are humans.
Sometimes, art needs to age to diminish the expresser’s rage, and only then can it resonate and maybe fuel our fate.

An Artist’s Tools:
Head, heart, and hands
Artists don’t worry about going crazy; they’re more concerned with not playing a “sane game.”
It is hard to say, “I have a career as an artist,” yet it is easier to understand that “I have a life as an artist.”
All else is part-time work, outside of my art.
The artists who lack fear are the ones I respect.                                     
[How much do I respect myself?]
There are those who praise my passion and others who employ my passion. Then there are those who just pass by.
Void of audience, love what you do, and someone will find a way to love you, too.
Will my word ever be heard? Because so often ears that need to hear are so concerned with what to earn rather than what is to be learned.

The material justification nation.
I slept with America last night, and I arose stimulated to share what I saw in my dream.

The blessed mess of people in the West, always in search of a bigger nest, not knowing how to rest, yet still feel they are the best.

American Masters
Many American masters reach the apex of eventful experiences by integrating entertainment with enlightenment.

Many people want to possess
Attention, Time, Money, or Mind.

Sever the cord that connects attraction to attachment.
Attachment finds ways to fight with faith.

Anxiety is energy’s thief.

Don’t just do enough to get others’ approval.
Do so to get yours.
Do even more to get God’s.

We only truly see what we accept.


Believe in something enough that you are willing to die for it.
Love something enough that you are willing to live for it.
None will believe in what you do unless you do.

Be Your Self
Be it a brush stroke or a bird but most of all may I be myself in my moments of movement.

Expressing your boundaries and be boundless.

Does your boss want you to be better, busy, or blinded?
Be at your best for the boss above who forever loves.

The more you feel blessed, the less you will feel stressed.

Sleep. Eat. Exercise.
Love. Work. Heal.

The beauty of a bird’s chirp makes all else sound like a burp. 

Is beauty a blessing or just a dressing? That makes others deliver lines, justify crimes, and time after time, beauty disguises the health of one’s mind.
Seeing beauty is the blessing of one’s vision; finding the truth is the challenge.
How we embrace beauty is our duty.
From woman to man in all the land, we each can be God’s greatest fan.

Our body is the shell of our spirit.
The boundlessness of our body shall never be a burden.

What you have is an easy target.
What you don’t won’t sit still.
Don’t blame yourself on your lover.

Being There
By touch, voice, or a timely resistance remain in reaching distance.

Business & Service
Good business is an accurate assessment as to what is needed.
Good service lies in one’s ability of fulfilling a need.

Do your best with what you got, and in time, you will be given your shot.


Conquer creative feats by concentrating on content before the “cover.”

I can live a simple life and help others along the way, or I can just help myself and make life complicated each day.
Listen to your body.
Listen to your voice.
Feel it in your heart to make the right choice.
Shall I make “sure money” to spend, or shall I make “sure” I have something to say?

Attending the class of conformity can cause confusion. As  many cram for clarity they are often involved in internships with individual’s inability to integrate. 

Clean up when you wake up, thus creating an uncontaminated confessional.
A clear mind leads to a clear motive and fuels a meaningful movement.

Sole desire for comfort can lead to confusion, yet a united motive for happiness leads to clarity.

Only the uncivilized possess the power to make the civilized as themselves.

Choice is the king of currency.
Change is the queen.

How one handles the repetitiveness of events will expose one’s change.
How one handles the variety of events will expose one’s endurance.

Cultivate compassion while killing confusion.

If we force confidence, we can fear pain. If you ride humbly with confidence, you can honestly ride through pain.

We all need some one to walk into the locker room and tell us that we can win, yet no matter what the result, we believe them the next time.

The less you have to prove, the more you can move.

Be cautious of conditioning that concentrates on creating credit.

Cell Phones
Are we any different than the birds that freely fly? Yet in recent hours, I see many on cell phone towers.  Often unaware of what radiates and rationalizing the words that resonate.

City Sensitivity
Searching for silence, hoping that vibrations don’t turn into violence.
Viewing the vast variety of separating souls, sensing sounds of sighs. 
Making it harder to say goodbye.
Afraid to die.
Because you keep sharing city lies.

Concrete Jungle
The cadence of the concrete jungle cannot cure the confused, although it can bring clarity to the calm yet complex cranium.

Class System
Often the “upper class” is too afraid to experience suffering.  Whether it be in themselves or witnessing it in others.    

Often the “upper/middle class” wonders whether it was worth doing whatever they did to get to be where they are.

Often the “middle class” is trying too hard to become upper and is full of fear to fall lower.

Often the “lower/middle class” struggles with balancing choices of helping those below. Or do they try to get higher?  

Often the “lower classes” time is too consumed with struggle, enabling them to educate themselves, to properly give, receive, and rest energy.

Capitalistic Transformation
Transform capitalistic motives into compassionate action. 
(Example: NYC parking meters)
Children should not be put in positions to fill personal, parental voids.
May a mix of mom and dad deliver a dynamic, diverse destiny.

Common Man
I’m just a common man with common concerns in hopes to conceive cures.

Caregivers’ Recipe
Mix intellect and reason in a bowl of compassion.

The comfort of conversation can cure the common catastrophe.

Even if it is a climb, let me communicate: Dreams, Feelings, and Ideas.

“C” People
I “C” People. Some create, others construct, and many complain rather than communicate.

Every time I complain, I feel like I’m insulting God. But when my request for reasoning is answered and I acquire an achievement, I feel I’m complementing our creator.

Criticism only torments the impatient mind.

Creativity and Business  
I’d rather have material with no deal,
then have no material with a deal,
yet having both would be ideal.

There is a line to cross when one is to be proud or when one is worthy of celebration.


The more time one tries to control nature, the less time one has to give to nature.

Cancer Questions 
Could this cure countless cancers?
Cleanse your closeness to chemical creations, along with cane of the refined kind, so you can soulfully strengthen circulation.
Can a cancer cell live in an environment of oxygen?
Answer: It’s impossible for a cancer cell to live in an environment solely of oxygen. (After consulting with numerous oncology departments)
Conclusion: If we increase the flow of oxygen, we decrease the chances of cancer.

My notes: Environments that contain love manifest and move more oxygen. 

Can and Can’t
There is only one thing that “we can’t do.”
It is to listen to those who tell us that “we can’t do it.”


My daughter woke up this morning and told me she had a dream where all people were puzzle pieces. I asked, “Did every one fit perfectly?” She responded, “Not really.”
There are no words for the tangle dream.

Dream Killers
A dream killers desire is to destroy dynasty.

Love’s devil is disturbed desire, drinking false feelings of getting higher.
A mind dominated by desire will lack the goal of giving.
Be above desire and extinguish the frustrating fire.

Days Off
When a rookie plays hooky, all may go astray. Yet a vet may take a day or two as wisdom adheres the crew.

Don’t be fooled by the free meal,
fancy wheels in efforts to conceal.

Drugs interrupt my conversations with God.

Don’t let feeling “down” divert itself towards defeat.

Transform “downfalls” into “wake-up calls.”

Disease (Hereditary)
Fear and guilt is just as hereditary as any disease, yet if you heal the mind, you can change your bloodline.
If you can find the emotional trend that depletes one sprit and threatens the flow of oxygen, odds are you can find the cause of the disease.

Every life has its highs, lows, and its own flow to expose that one never knows when they shall go.
Be with death yet without discouragement.
Death deems discovery.
How far off is our soul than that of a library book?
There will be times to renew yet eventually it must be returned.
God, you can take me away.
I know I will be ok.
Even without all, I shall not fall.
Because I trust your call.

My daughter asked me, “Do I do what I think feels good, or do I do what I feel is right, like when I have a mosquito bite?” 


Earlier Riser
Those who follow the sun are challenged by those who chase the moon.
An early hour of peace can combat later days of havoc.

Lesions of enlightenment will not be taught without the timely test of resistance.
Yet even if you have gotten a good grade and gained a sense of sanity, don’t expect God to flick the switch on gravity.
Don’t allow injury to interrupt enlightenment

We often start out by one wanting to help another, then ego makes motives go astray.
Abiding with ego will tell you that you are alone, and there more things to own without focusing on your dome.
Shedding ego sends souls to the supreme.

The Elephant in the Room
How did the elephant get in the room if he could not fit through the door? 
The mind is the master of our own animal kingdom.

Honest energy shall take you, not break you. Wake you, not shake you.

Forever focus on effort and escape the reliance on results.

Those who never learn what it is to earn will just fill voids with short-term ploys as they smash long-term joys.

A Pyramid of Employment:
what you love
that will support all
dreams and needs. Do what you
like that will support basic dreams.
Do what you can to support basic needs.

(Note: Peace can be found in any part of this pyramid.)

Enriched entrepreneurs embrace advances in industry while integrating social unity.

Life’s Triathlon
1-30 years old - Run
30-60 years old - Bike

Swim or walk whenever and forever.
How we exercise our mind ultimately affects our nervous system.
How we exercise our body ultimately affects our muscular system.
How we exercise our spirit affects everything.


Forgive yesterday
Accept today
Grow tomorrow
Be gone with blame and foresee forgiveness.

Healing your heart is a great place to start the race that will never end because you are freeing your forever friend.
Let love be found within the fundamentals of friendship.
Friendship fuels feelings of freedom.

You can’t imprison a man’s vision.
Lock feet and hands, yet he can still find love for his fellow man.
Thus, only enslaved men turn incarceration keys, ignorant that all can be free.

Freedom Fighters
Extinguish others’ efforts to expel increases of the enlightened race.
Noble souls often obtained their might by loving others with poor sight.  May I have the valor of their vision to know what is right so I can commit to their fight.
Great ones know how to win their own war so they have the strength to fight for others.
We could not live for what we believe in today if those did not die for what they believed for our tomorrow.

Fuel of Faith 
Can five faiths fuel our fight for freedom? 

- As Allah is above and beneath their feet when they complete their daily feats with God’s glory and grace helping make a happier human race. Yet in every part, Jews are at the start, contributing to a greater place as their practice and presentation of our precious time gives them even more worth to our earth. Just in time for jovial joy of Jesus generating and creating countless communities of Christians on a crusade toward calm. But behold the beloved that are beside yet never beyond Buddha, as each test of tension is transformed into today’s tranquility. Hence the Hindu, whose achievement of “Atma” is the greatest of goals, as they unfold the truth of many souls.

Future Work Needs
Elbow grease and discipline will mend the masses.
Honesty and intellect will enlighten the leaders.

Take the fatherhood torch, without fear it will scorch. Let it give light and illuminate the honest fight. Strengthen peoples’ might. But most of all, shine bright when you know what is right.
Find joy in fulfilling fatherly voids.
A father shall do his best to protect the nest, but if nature impedes, he must continue to lead, knowing that nature brought the original seed.

Good ones commutate an idea.
Great ones transform an idea into a feeling.

Stay on the sidelines sometimes. But always with a goal of getting in the game without ambition of fame.
The ones forever finding freedom in praise or blame — will flourish with fame.  But when it all feels like continual pain, they have enslaved the integrity of their game.
Lack fear, not to hear cheers, but to be more sincere, even if no one is near.
The fatigue of fame can force free sprits to feud with feelings.

Learn your own foundations of fatigue and free the demands behind false needs.
Fatigue can fuel flawed motives.

False Pride
False pride leads to lies, puts loved ones aside, just so one can enjoy a selfish ride.


Giving permission to fib will look like your baby’s bib. Showing stains of another. Yet know you must clean this cover.

Not being afraid to die takes courage.
Not being afraid to live gives hope.
Fear less of what is wrong.
Feel more of what is right.
What kind of company do you want to keep in your head?
Fearing your thoughts is like fearing your friends.
You can be what you fear or you can be what you cheer.

Fruit of Labor

If you learn to love the labor, you shall never be frustrated by the fruit at the finish.
With positivity make the “process” part of the result.
If I find ways to free the fruit of my labor, I will forever have the fuel for my faith.

Faith will always be far enough.


Those who give honestly live.
Many who truly give of themselves are not concerned with worldly wealth.
They weather storms against the norm, walk through branches with thorns.  They break falls, stand tall, and lay new ground so hearts continue to pound.
The goal of giving is not to gain glitter for your own good but rather to share any shine and destroy all ideas of “mine.”
If I’m willing to give today, I shall be able to give tomorrow, thus grateful for any day following.

Give and Take
It is a give and take?
Give and perhaps we shall receive.
If I worry about what I’m to receive, then I worry about what God can achieve, and that makes it harder to believe.

The gifts we have been given allow us to be more driven. Acting never for glory or to just tell a story but to do our part with loved ones in our heart.

Getting Paid
Our payment will always be a better place to live and an even greater place to leave behind.

One person’s greed can manifest a million undeserved needs.

Greed is gained in gossips’ game.

Those who forever grasp generalizations lack the right reflection. 

Good Looks
We will get closer to equality when we take “good looks” out of the equation.

Don’t fear a fight with gravity; respect it.
Fear of gravity can cause more injury than gravity itself.

The things you want the most are the hardest to get. The things you want the least will fall right in your lap…

[“Excuse me but you are sitting on me, and it is hard to get up.”]
You will have more chances to play fair if you kill the constant question: “If only I could get there?” 
Grasp goals with the labor of love.

Learn to love the person you have grown into, unattached to the person you grew out of.

GOD = Gift Of Destiny
When God gets you going, “You’re good.”
Get out of God’s way so he can show you the way.
God helps souls that are not afraid to get old. So find a way to feel young no matter what song life has sung.
God communicates cosmically through the contents of love.
God gives light.
We create color.
Art is all.
In times of sorrow, we shall reflect on God’s power of tomorrow, where brothers borrow and sisters share. This is the only way life can be fair.
No one can hurt me but God. Yet I know he would not do that.
There are a million and one ways God can say, “How bad do you want it today?”
It is never worth being angry at God.
Same goes for self.
God tells me where I shall go, but it is up to me to know where my mind shall be.
Align with the Lord — the only one keeping score.
You can work against God and have him prove you wrong, or you can work with him and make everything right.
With God’s might, we will ignite.
God will give you what you need.
Only you can take the unneeded.
God will give you what you want.
What you do with it will determine whether you deserve it.
Love thy neighbor. Love thy labor. It’s all God’s favor.
Don’t take God’s forgiveness for granted.
We might fall,
and we might rise
in others’ eyes,
but in our own,
we shall never be alone.

A flame has no shadow only a reflection.
Don’t fear to make mistakes;
just aim to greet your own great.

Say thanks with motive, word, and action, yet don’t expect any reaction. 


I would rather die an honest man today than live a lie tomorrow.
A vow for humanity is one of honesty.
[A QUIZ…fill in the blanks?] 
easy      timeless
limited       hard
Honesty is ____ and _______.
Dishonesty is ____ and _______.
Is it worth the work to be honest with others if one can’t do so with themselves?
Honesty happens to help.
Honesty is the cause; truth is the effect.
Honesty is the action; truth is the result.
I may be your friend or foe. I might even change the direction you go?
Will it be lies and finding places to hide, or will you ride the train of honesty?
Take that to the end, and you will be free.
When “the outgoing” meets honesty, health is enhanced.
When dishonesty meets “the outgoing” or
honesty meets “the introvert”, health is in question.

Thus does the devil dwell in the dishonest introvert?

If you take the time to listen, no one will hear your body as well as you.

Health Insurance
Health insurance is honestly knowing your mind and body.

I went sledding with my daughter. I had a wonderful time, although she bruised her shin. That evening, she laid there healing and said,  “Dad, even though I’m hurting, I’m happy.”  I wondered, can this also happen to humanity?

Too much effort to heal quicker can make you sicker, yet if you let nature take its course, you will feel no remorse.
Hurting and healing begins and ends in the head.

Just knowing what can be done can heal some, yet feeling the human hum can heal a ton.

Hate halts healing.

Some count me out with a whisper or a shout.
Yet I know it is not what is said but what I do instead.
Not to prove them wrong but to know I was right and it was worth every fight that got me to this new height.
But I will never look down at those delivering negative sounds, or I too will be on the ground where haters can be found.

Patience + Compassion = Human
Point + Click = Tool
We are not wood, nor shall we act like chisels.

Acts of service heal the heart of humanity.
Loving humanity is like making the dictionary your favorite book, causing countless combinations of curiosity.

Feeling at home is not feeling alone.
Each moral quest is a test to get to a place that we can rest.

Count to 1 to come up with accountable.
Happiness has no equal (=) sign.

Even if one happens to hail your homework, focus of freeing the finished product.

Feel blessed if you have stripped your edge of ignorance and added a hum of humility. Accept it willingly, knowing you have worked oh so diligently.

How Did I Get Here?

God had a Dream, so here we are.
I had a feeling, so I wrote this.

On this musty, mid-summer morning, I meditate beside boilers, boxes, and tons of trash that I need take out to make my cash. 

I must lower my head, not only so I don’t get popped by a pipe but to give thanks for this place I write.   

A better space there might be, but this place I see is just right for me. 

“Peace of mind or peace in mind?” Green Street Matthew used to say. But it feels like both on this day. 

There’s “peace of mind” knowing I was able to walk to the bathroom last night, and it’s been a while since I’ve witnessed a fight, or maybe it’s just that my first book might take flight. 

That book opened with degrees of my life and gave me light that I should continue to write about the classes of my latest plight. 

Well… Welfare “101” wound me up in work programs.  Then I headed to hassles in housing court, attended events of eviction, felt frustrations in family court, only to deal with dozens of dollars of debt. 

In these months past, I must also ask:  Did I pass or did I fail when I fell in love?  Perhaps I got a “D” for dismissal, but was that my destiny? 

And even though some might have misunderstood my motive, I still wound up at the University of Unity. 

There, I sensed sympathetic souls whose spirits lived long days of loved ones that lead lives with leukemia.  And on Wednesdays, I witnessed woes and wonders of wellness ‘til toddlers got timely transplants. 

Finally, my financial funding fell to staying afloat, and as my feet throbbed,  through 3 jobs a night.  Fatigued, I flopped on the floor to see scans of my spine.

Though the body was still, I was moved in mind when my morning mediation lent these willing words.

“Paul, pain just tells your brain that you are not insane and you can feel.  So make an internal deal, and you will be given the ability to heal.”

So now I seem to serve a residence of routine where I regularly reside and try not to hide, on each day when I let God lead the way. Where? To a place I find, “peace in mind.”


If you knock down what you feel is below you, there will be nothing to stand on and no one to push you up when you are at the bottom.
If you live only for results, then you will feel the effect of insults.

Don’t let insecurity direct itself toward dishonesty.
Don’t let insecurity divide you from the Divine.

Impatience perpetrates poor choices.

The aftermath of injury can expose one’s integrity.
The less thought of injury, the less of it.

Don’t compromise your integrity because of your image of isolation.
Identify your integrity independent of its image.  

Defuse the bomb of false imagery.
Images are no more than recycled feelings that take on visual components.

Loss of material income shall not equal lack of non-material outcome.

Many who make a difference in this world must remain invisible. Only until they are popular. Then they are presented with power by public opinion.

What is the worth of the wick if one is not willing to ignite.


I can only try to take care of some of God’s jobs. Yet if my ability lacks labor, I hope my words will work.

Just Say No
If you were in the presence of a person who possessed the power of God, would you lie to them?
Is there any reason to not be honest with yourself?


I may chant while parents may rant, though children are the glue keeping all goals anew. 
(A QUIZ…fill in the blank)
I’d rather have a healthy kid
than have? _______.
Concentrate on consistency, yet cultivate change.


Be ready to die, but be more willing to live with efforts to give.

Sometimes learning the hard way will lead to lesions that last.

Last Place
The best thing about being in last place is that it is the only position where you can see everyone. Hence the needs of navigation are of the “now.”

Love for what “is.” Not for what “is” can be.
Love by ways of action that are not solely rooted in visual or verbal attraction.
Love comes by way of community.
Truth is a major part of those who wish to give of their heart. 
Gratitude will to lead solitude.
So just find a way to honestly say, “I’m with you today.”
Be it with heart or hand, woman or man, know there is more love to give than grains of sand.
The PL Statement:
Profit & Loss
People & Love
Possessing the power to love leads to longevity.
We hurt by holding it.
We gain by giving it.

Letting Go
There are certain things in life you need to know. The hardest is knowing when to let go.
Letting go allows blood flow.
Accepting the “I don’t knows” will let you do so.
Sometimes, you can learn more about the potential of a person by what they truly get rid of rather than what they hold on to.
Life is fun and fast when you only keep the essence of your past.
Life is sorry and slow when you don’t know how to let go.
Learn how to let go of a loved one, and you can learn how to love everyone.

Leaving Lovers
Shall I walk out the door of the one I adore? But if her female lure gets to my core and even though my vibration’s sore… I must say, “No more.”
The voice that needs to be found is one above our shared sexual sound.  It asks, “Am I one if I were to waste my word?”... “Well, maybe this talk is telling me to walk”

Many that are plagued by lust just need someone to trust.
Leave lust to losers.
Lust and conditions will pick fights with love and commitment.
Lust will make you lose your sight, putting you in a dim room to fight. Yet if you live for love, all rooms will be bright.
Lust elevates ego.
Love eliminates it.

Listen to all your senses.
It is hard to lie 6 times at once.

Lonely Desperation
Material dreams, shady schemes, only to see a suffering smile beam by those unclean that just needed to be a part of a team.

Lawyers shall leave alone desperate desires to own and focus on fighting for the fairness of our future.

Love & Money
What good is money if you don’t know how to spend it?  What good is love if you don’t know how to give it?

Look at Me
Some do things to have others say, “Look at me.” Yet others create things and have some say, “Look at that.”

The game of life is only a scrimmage if you are fooled by a continual false image.
The first and last question on life’s test is “What is true?”
I hope to take on life with the brilliance of Bach, the love of Louie, and the gratitude of Gandhi. Anything I leave behind, let it have the likeness of Leonardo. 

(Note: Jon Sebastian Bach,  Louie Armstrong,
Mahatma Gandhi, Leonardo da Vinci) 
Give everything you got to life, and life will give you everything you need.
Sometimes, it is easier to write about life than to live it.
But if I did not live it, it would be even harder to write.

That Little Voice
Sometimes, it is easier to hear that little voice than to listen to it.  


My Tools
Paint and pen will always be my friend as I complete my expressive feats.

Question your motive today, and there will be less doubt of your actions tomorrow.
Do what you believe in that involves no sin, and you will rest with an honest grin.
He who embraces elevation knells with an intuitive motive.
He who elevates in unity will knell with creative climaxes.
If environment makes a change, a pure motive shall stay the same.
The motive of your game is not to brighten your name.
When motive is pure, God delivers a cure.
What is this world going to do with me?
Or will I be blessed to ask,
“What will I do with this world?”
My internal word is a beginning.
My external action is the middle.
My love is the end.

Moving On 
Leave lies behind like self-reflection signs.

It takes more than one muscle to support a movement.
Same goes for man.

Mind, Body, and Spirit
May our mind ignite our body, and our body like a strong, sheltered space that keeps the flame of our spirit steady.
Don’t let your sprit be at an all-time low when your body can’t go or when your mind says, “I just don’t know.”
I just have a job as a janitor in one of God’s temples.
If I keep it clean, my spirit stays employed.
My body seems to search for acceptances of my mind, yet my spirit loves to lead.

There is only one thing that needs to be settled.
May I use my mind muscles well to escape any physical hell.
May my mental might create positive sight. 
May our minds not be owned by others’ efforts to clone.
The more time one tries to control mankind, the less time one can give to controlling their mind.
A lucid mind is clear of fear.
The truth arrives in time to give clarity in mind and improve the quality of mankind.

Mobile Devices
Our mind is the master mobile device.


May “modern medicine” be more than justification for medication.
The medication of music can move the internally invisible, thus curing countless cells that contain compassion.
All is a placebo if we can accept God’s cure.

Much can be mended in meditation.

Musical Blessings
Percussion will pound.
Strings will sing.
Woodwinds will whistle.
Brass will blow.
Thus tempting tones that vibrate a voice.
Giving ears no choice.
But to feel a cry with no lie.
As we seamless swallow a symphony of souls.

Being in a hurry to fulfill another’s moral right can make you lose sight of your own moral fight.
There aren’t any “yes” or “no” answers to moral questions, just opinions that draw conclusions with your solution.

Modern Society
Has mankind’s imagery inventions stripped humanity of its admiration of an individual’s depth?

My cash shall not equal my confidence.
Loss of loot shall not equal loss of love.
Cherish the times outside of making or spending money.
Don’t let money be a delay or detour your direction toward the Divine.

Men & Women
It is hard to find a woman who knows the meaning of enough, making it even harder to find a man that won’t bluff.
Female passion for procreation sets the tone for a nation. Male hesitation and desire for soul stimulation levees others feeling like lonely orphans used for endorphins.
Feel like a young man that values a wise woman, or be a wise woman that knows how to help a man feel young.

What will you marry? Woman, Man, or Mission.

More   or        Less              
See       -    Speak
Listen    -    Hear
Respond -     React
Walk    -     Run
Love      -    Hurt
Less is only more when you open divinity’s door.

Always carry a loving priority, even if others make you feel you are the minority.

Are mistakes mistakes if we have learned all we can from them? 
Or is this perfection?

My Death
When I die, don’t waste time worrying about where I went; just work at willing your own way.